Saturday, February 9, 2008

What A Week

The weather has sucked the last few days.  Three inches of melted snow along with 2 days of rain causes some serious issues.  As I drove into work on Wednesday, I ran to the local coffee hut to grab a quick drink and noticed that one of the roads was barricaded off.  I didn't even notice why as I tried to navigate a different route (not hard in a small town, but hey, it was early).  As I finally made way to my parking space, I noticed water rushing through the once quiet "stream" next to the lot.  I instantly pulled up the weather on my phone and realized it was going to be a long day for some families in the area.  

Later in the afternoon, I received a call from our Director of Loss control asking that I be "on call" in case we needed to sandbag the office.  Fortunately, the rising tide subsided and I was never called to duty, but it made me think briefly of the madness of Katrina.  I watched a LOT of news coverage of that event as it happened a little before Jadyn was born.  I found myself glued to the TV in the birthing room I was stationed in for the weekend.  I couldn't believe the destruction created from Mother Nature.  While the high waters in small town Indiana came no where near the destruction of Katrina, I was still reminded of how small I really am in this powerful world.

Top photo of CR 1100N (Herald-Press/Ben Hopper)
Bottom photo of Katrina Destruction (New York Times)

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